Monday, November 17, 2008

Landfill Games and Puzzles

Some fun things to jazz up the subject of Landfill.

Landfill Word Search - fun word search

Dumptown Game - from the E.P.A. - online simulation - requires Shockwave

Garbage - How can my community reduce waste? - simple online interactive

There is No Away in Throwaway - mini-lesson on waste management

Environmental Education Kit - has a nice chapter on Landfills

Brown Countyt Landfill Page - fun concentration that could be played on your SmartBoard! Other games, too.

Teaching about Landfills

What does a dump look like? 

Your students should understand that modern landfills are NOT dumps!
Waste is no longer just dumped on a vacant property out in the "county" somewhere. 

Show your students a good video on what happens after they take the trash to the curb. This one is from Oklahoma City:

There are state laws about how a landfill is constructed to protect the groundwater and adjoining properties.

CONSIDER THIS: Make a mini-landfill in your classroom! Do one the "right" way and one the "wrong" way! Click here for a great example of this concept. Great worksheet that goes with the lesson.

  1. This one contains a good puzzle page.
  2. Need more background yourself. Go to How Stuff Works.
  3. This site has a couple of nice videos.
  4. Click here for my FREE simple version of a Groundwater Pollution Lab.