Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Geospatial Revolution

Geospatial technology is changing the modern society in every way, from personal trip planning to homeland security. Check out this great website with four videos and teacher resources.


Ro said...

Hi Marcia, I am a MS Science teacher from Houston, TX. Last year I stepped out of the classroom and into the role of Instructional Specialist, and now I work with science teachers that teach on our at-risk campuses. Thank you for sharing about the geospatial revolution, this was a new TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge Skill)for our 8th graders in science, I continue to be amazed at the information that satellites can collect about our Earth, and all the many ways that this can empower students of every background to make this world a better place. I look forward to learning more from your Blog.

Ro said...

Hi Marcia, I am a MS Science teacher from Houston, TX. Last year I stepped out of the classroom and into the role of Instructional Specialist, and now I work with science teachers that teach on our at-risk campuses. Thank you for sharing about the geospatial revolution, this was a new TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge Skill)for our 8th graders in science, I continue to be amazed at the information that satellites can collect about our Earth, and all the many ways that this can empower students of every background to make this world a better place. I look forward to learning more from your Blog.