Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Find Someone Who...

Find Someone Who... is a basic classroom team game.

If you Google it, you will find it all over the Internet. But mostly just as a First Week, get to know people, activity. Which is fine, don't get me wrong!

But it can be adapted to just about anything you are teaching and is a good, quick game that gets your students out of their seats and busy interacting with others AND trying to remember what they've learned lately.

Basically, you have about five things on a sheet of paper; such as:

Find Someone Who... (Basic First Week)
  1. has lived in another state
  2. has more than 3 siblings
  3. speaks a language other than English
  4. is taller than you
  5. is an only child


Find Someone Who... (Cloud Week)

  1. can describe a cumulus cloud
  2. can define "lenticular"
  3. can list three "high" clouds
  4. can sketch a cumulonimbus cloud
  5. can list the weather associated with a nimbus cloud


Find Someone Who... (Planet Week)

  1. can list the four inner planets
  2. can list the five outer planets
  3. knows how Pluto is now categorized
  4. knows what's in between the inner and outer planets
  5. can list three unique characteristics of Earth

The rules are simple.

  • You can sign a sheet only once.
  • You can't sign your own sheet.
I absolutely loved getting my kids up and out of their seats for a quick leg-stretch. But with an educational goal in mind. If you have ever attended a teacher convention, think how you felt sitting all day listening to expert after expert talk-talk-talk. Exhausting work. Or think back to your college days!

How can we ask kids to sit quietly without fidgeting all day when it's hard for most of us to do the same!

Which is why I like to get kids up. If you don't trust yourself to get your students sitting back down in their seats quietly and quickly, you need to work more on classroom procedures. It IS possible to have kids up and down all period with a minimum of fuss and bother. It's just a matter of training them properly. Click here for more details on this.

CONSIDER THIS: Add more leg-stretching games such as FIND SOMEONE WHO. Make up a quick review game today and use it tomorrow!

FUN LINKS: click here for an example of Basic First Week.
Click here for an example of Find Someone Who Knows Safety.

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