Use a simple study guide to introduce the topic. As soon as a student has the first page finished, ask them line up by you for a Teacher Edit. Assign them points for the work.
Then assign that student an animal from one of the life zones. Each student researches the animal, makes a "postcard" of their animal on a 4 x 6 note card, including a sketch, and then prepares a short presentation on their animal.
After each presentation, the "postcard" is taped on a large mock-up of the life zones diagram shown in the study guide. You can sketch the diagram in chalk on the chalkboard or draw on a piece of large paper. The rest of the class takes notes on the Notes Page. Hand out the Notes Page during the research phase so they know what needs to be in their Presentation.
HINT: Assign the "coolest" deep-sea animals to the most reluctant scholars and they usually will be willing to participate.
Click here for the Study Guide.
Click here for the Study Guide answers.
Click here for the Student Notes Page.
Click here for a good PowerPoint on this subject. Fun "What Am I?" at the end. Show after presentations!
Be sure to check out the National Geographic channel on YouTube for many wonderful short videos about the ocean!
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