Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Earth Science Week 2009 - Sun Shadows Project

Help your students become “citizen scientists” by taking part in an international research project. The Sun Shadows Project is looking for help in studying the relationship between the seasons and the length of shadows.

Beginning with a science experiment at James Monroe Middle School in Albuquerque, N.M., in October 2007, students hypothesized that their shadows would be longer in winter than in summer. The study has grown since then, using data from both of Earth’s poles and many locations in between. Last year, the project students presented initial results at the American Geophysical Union’s Annual Conference.

The Sun Shadows Project students are looking for fellow scientists to measure shadows and submit findings online. Click here.

Because the Sun Shadows Project offers a great way to begin “understanding climate,” this year’s Earth Science Week (Oct. 11-17) theme. Click here to learn more.

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