Monday, August 27, 2012

Marcia's Teacher Tutorials

Have you seen my new feature called Teacher Tutorials?

I know many of you miss the Newsletter I put out last year. What with all the new demands in my life, I wasn't able to continue with the Newsletter this year.

However, I think my Teacher Tutorials are a good alternative! And I hope you agree!

Teacher Tutorials came about like this:
I get so many "How do you do that?" questions.
I thought I would address them one by one.
I LOVE decorating tutorials. I love anything that tells you step by step how to paint a chair or your kitchen cabinets, or how to make a quilt binding, or how to clean your shower stall with a Dawn-vinegar solution (via Pinterest.)

Why not do the same thing for teachers? 
CONNECTION! Marcia's Teacher Tutorials! 
Including lots of free materials for new and "new" Science teachers!

The first one covers the Most-Frequently-Asked Question of all time: How should I arrange my classroom so I can do all the wonderful active-learning, hands-on activities and labs you suggest?

Here's the beginning of my first Teacher Tutorial: 

Sure Fire Method for Setting Up Science Tables for the Beginning of the Year!

Step by Step Set Up!

Looking for a good way to set up your classroom tables for the beginning of the year? Follow Marcia's suggestions to get your new school year ready to go, prepared for an active learning atmosphere, starting on the first day of class!

Step 1:
Arrange your tables or desks in any arrangement you are comfortable with. I do NOT usually start the school year with the arrangement in the above photo! But if you are comfortable with this set up, use it! I usually used the traditional all tables facing the teacher podium. Click here for seating chart tips that can be used throughout the year with rearrangeable sticky photo tiles!

Click here to see the rest of the first Teacher Tutorial!

Hope you are liking the new Teacher Tutorials! 
Go here to see them all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am having seating arrangement problems. During Science, the students work in groups. When I am
giving instructions some students will have their backs to me. I tried many ways to adjust to the problem.
I decided to use one of your seating arrangements.